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My story

Fiorella Anelli, foto  per sala 10, Muse

I was born in Milan in 1981.

Always been fascinat­ed by music, I soon became immersed in his magic by studying piano. Tha­nks to a precious su­ggestion, I visited the "School of Violin Making of Milan" and its enchanting tim­eless atmosphere fas­cinated me immediate­ly.

Here, where art, craft and music blend in harmony, my adventure in the world of violin making started.


Violin making, a con­tinuous evolving fie­ld, where theory and practice interact each other constantly in various discipli­nes, such as organol­ogy, physical acoust­ic and chemistry of varnish, becomes for me an ideal choice af­ter graduating from the Scientific Highs­chool.

In 2004 I get my degree from the “School of Violin Making of Milan”, where I am a student of  M° Paola Vecchio, a student herself of  M° Luca Primon, and I also obtain a specialization in restoration techniques of string instruments.

The following year I move to Cremona where I work as assistant in various workshops, deepening my knowledge of the construction method, repairs and sound adjustment.

I graduate in Cremona in 2008 in “Baroque Violin Making”, studying the construction methods and the history of the ancient instruments and building some baroque violins, a viola da gamba and their bows.

The studies on baroque instruments are extremely important to fully understand the evolution of the violin from its origins to modern times and to better develop my personal style.

I make instruments inspired on the old Cremonese tradition, and I do care the acoustic qualities, the style and the craft of my instruments in every details, searching a personal powerful sound, with a warm and rich tone.

I use oil varnish based on ancient recipes to create depth and warm tone.

I choose only finest and well seasoned tone-woods, Val di Fiemme's spruce and Balcan's maple, characterized by excellent acoustic quality.

Since 2017 I am a member of Cultural district of Violin in Cremona, a network that keeps alive the search for high level violinmaking, defending its traditional know-how. Thanks to District I can partecipate continuously in painting workshops, acoustic physics and many others. In addiction I have the opportunity to have in my hands and listen to violins from the Museo del Violino collection including the masterpiece of Amati, Stradivari and Guarneri.

I work in Cremona in my workshop in via Beltrami 28, in an ancient Renaissance palace near to the Cathedral and the Violin Museum, sources of artistic inspiration, conscious of working in the most charming city in the world to create my violins.

Anelli Fiorella Violinmaker - Via Beltrami, 28 - 26100 Cremona (Italy)

Mob. +39 320 1915967 - P.IVA 01646910198

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